Bala Vihar is a weekly gathering of children (Preschool to Grade 12) that takes place in CMWRC Chapters under the supervision of trained teachers. The aim of Bala Vihar is to help children bloom, grow, and inculcate values through fun-filled activities. Bala Vihar enhances the overall development of the personality of a child at all levels – physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
Please visit chapter specific sections below for more information and register!
Children are a major focus at CMWRC. The goal of Bala Vihar is to “wake up the sleeping giant” in our children and inspire them to reach their maximum potential by imparting a value-based education through a specially designed age appropriate curriculum.
The Bala Vihar program offers weekly spiritual classes for children in their formative school years (Pre K to 12). The classes are organized by age groups, start and end with Sanskrit prayers, and include chanting, bhajans, stories of devotion and morals, interactive discussions, and creative games. They are of approximately 90 minutes duration including the common Assembly time, and are based on specially designed curriculum.

Bala Vihar classes are conducted at Chinmayam, Chinmaya Somnath, Frederick Chapter, and Richmond Chapter
The idea is to provide an environment where the personality of the child blossoms in a spontaneous way. Good conduct, emotional refinement, intellectual finesse, social responsibility and spiritual awareness are developed by the teachers through story-telling from the Puranas and other scriptures, singing of bhajans, chanting of stotrams, games, arts and crafts, plays and other fun-filled activities. The children are encouraged to be responsible, alert and sensitive members of society.
Swami Chinmayananda believed that just as the strength of a wall depended on the quality of each brick, so too, the health of a society depended on the individuals. If the individuals are healthy, the society is healthy. His strategy for building a new society was to “Catch ’em young,” and that is what we are trying to accomplish at CMWRC.

CMWRC also offers additional classes and activities besides the regular Bala Vihar classes to help the children blossom and develop their multi-faceted talents.
The senior Balavihar classes provide a forum for youth where they are provided an opportunity to discuss, debate and understand the logic of our religion and its tenets and to become aware of their potential. After having gained this awareness, their potential is directed into creative channels. The high school students are encouraged to volunteer in community and social service activities. Additionally, different career choices are discussed along with what it takes to be a professional in those disciplines. The aim of these classes is to prepare today’s youth to be responsible and successful adults of tomorrow.

The annual session runs from August to May, parallel to the regular school calendar.
Children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit. The seed of spiritual values should be sown in young hearts, and the conditions made favorable for sprouting and steady growth through proper control and discipline. It must be cared for with the warmth of love and affection, and such a tree shall blossom forth flowers of brotherhood, universal love, peace, bliss, beauty, and perfection.
Swami Chinmayananda
The curriculum varies slightly depending on the chapter location.
From the youngest Ati-Madhuram class to the Chinmayam class for high school youngsters, all Bala Vihar children participate in a variety of activities. Here are some texts that your children will be learning from based on their age/grade.
Shishu Vihar Bhajans & Rhymes
Stories and Bhajans are among the media for learning for these young children.
Alphabet Safari
Children are introduced to the positive values through the English Alphabet. For example: A for Ambition, B for Brotherhood etc. Each value is taught through a story or song.
My Prayers
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Amar Chitra Katha on Gurudev
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Bala Ramayana
Through a specially written version of the Ramayana, children learn to appreciate courage, enthusiasm and wisdom.
Hanuman Superman
The book illustrates Hanumanji’s qualities such as devotion to duty, Buddhi (intellect), strength, Yasha (fame), courage, fearlessness, alertness and eloquence.
Bala Bhagavatam
Stories from Bhagavatam are taught to children to reinforce Hindu values and philosophy. Children also learn about the nine types of Bhakti (devotion) and the significance behind the various shapes and forms of Hindu gods and rituals.
Krishna Krishna & 24 Gurus
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Saints of India
Many chosen ones came and lived among others, to show the way to God. They lived their life with the spirit and in the manner advocated by the sacred scriptures. They were able to give up everything for the discovery of God in their own heart. In the pages of this book, necessary details of the lives of these saints and the paths they chose to attain Saintliness is depicted, inspiring all readers. Their paths were many but their goal was one.
Sacred India
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Symbolism in Hinduism
Hinduism is often labeled as a religion of 330 million gods. This misunderstanding arises when people fail to grasp the symbolism of the Hindu pantheon. Hindus worship the nameless and formless Supreme Reality by various names and forms. These different aspects of the One Reality are symbolized by the many gods and goddesses of Hinduism. Each is but a symbol that points to something beyond, and as none exhaustively represents God’s actual nature, the entire array is needed to complete the picture of God’s aspects and manifestations. Symbolism plays a greater role in the religion and art of India, than in other nations.
Why Do We?
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Vibheeshana Geeta (Key to Success)
This text is based on discourses of Lord Rama to Vibheeshana in Ramayana. In Vibheeshana Geeta, Sri Rama outlines the necessary tools for human beings to complete the voyage of life safely and to attain spiritual progress and mental purification. The Vibheeshana Geeta emphasizes the importance of faith, values and devotion. Youngsters will be able to understand and appreciate that while there are bound to be ups and downs in life, devotion can help one handle both types of situations with poise and equanimity.
PO Box Mr God
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Mahabharata (MB by Rajagopalachari)
This text is based on discourses of Lord Rama to Vibheeshana in Ramayana. In Vibheeshana Geeta, Sri Rama outlines the necessary tools for human beings to complete the voyage of life safely and to attain spiritual progress and mental purification. The Vibheeshana Geeta emphasizes the importance of faith, values and devotion. Youngsters will be able to understand and appreciate that while there are bound to be ups and downs in life, devotion can help one handle both types of situations with poise and equanimity.
Hindu Culture
This is a comprehensive and complete analysis of the Hindu culture and its salient feature, its varied facets and its all-encompassing fullness. Skillful definitions, gifted quotes and striking illustrations carry the reader on a pilgrimage of the holy land that India is, and the holy culture that it has. This book will help the Indian Youth to learn and appreciate Indian culture and our heritage.
Ageless Guru
The Inspirational Life of Swami Chinmayananda.
Mahabharata – Yato Dharma Tato Jaya
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The Holy Geeta by Swami Chinmayananda
Bhagavad Gita is ‘The Lord’s Song’ is the most popular and probably the single most influential text in Hindu philosophy. It is certainly one of the world’s greatest scriptures. The message of Geeta is universal in its scope, and it opens the gate of deliverance to all without distinction. Lord Krishna states, “Through whatever paths men seek to come unto Me, I accept them through those very paths; all paths which men take, O Arjuna, lead ultimately unto Me only.” Select verses in each chapter are reviewed and studied in a discussion format with Chinmayam class students to stimulate not only learning of the literal meaning of the verses, but also the wealth of subtle knowledge behind each.
Storm to Perform by Swami Swaroopananda
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Self-Unfoldment by Swami Chinmayananda
This introductory text on the fundamentals of Vedanta is written by Gurudev to be clear and logical so as to be appealing to the modern, scientific-minded generation. It is an excellent book for teenagers as well as adults. It inspires the sincere student to pursue deeper study of other Vedantic scriptural texts and understanding of the subtle truths within.
All Chapters of CMWRC offer Bala Vihar Classes. Schedules vary slightly depending on the chapter location.
Important Notes For Parents!
Under the guidance of Chinmaya mission Vedanta teachers, mission trained volunteer parent-teachers teach the Bala Vihar classes to provide the children with Vedanta-based education that emphasizes spirituality and values. Children also learn about the rich cultural heritage of India through the medium of stories, drama, arts and crafts, and discussion.
For accountability and safety of children, at least one parent, if not both, should be on campus attending adult Vedanta class. Values learned in the mission are absorbed best when practiced as a family.
Only parents of children ages 0-5 are allowed to attend the class with their children.
Bala Vihar teachers will meet with parents every two weeks via Zoom. The purpose of these meetings is to update parents on the material being covered in their respective classes. These meetings are voluntary, but parents are obviously encouraged to attend them.
Once a year Bala Vihar teachers will hold a parent/teacher conference. The teachers will
update parents on class progress and the topics covered.
Please bring your children to Bala Vihar classes regularly and on time. To maximize learning and to respect the significant effort teachers put in to prepare for class, please ensure that children attend class regularly and that absences are few and far between, and only due to unavoidable reasons such as illness or other emergencies.
Please notify the teacher(s) before class if your child is going to be absent. In the event
of sudden illness or emergency, please notify the teacher(s) as soon as possible. The telephone numbers and email addresses of teachers provided may be used for this purpose.
Please make sure children come to Bala Vihar class prepared with a notebook, pencils, colored pencils or crayons etc., and any other books from their syllabus.
During Mission programs other than Bala Vihar (monthly Bhajan nights, etc.), parents are responsible for their children’s behavior. Please teach children to respect the sanctity of the facility by maintaining silence during these programs, not running in the building, dropping trash in trash cans, putting books and games away, etc.
Feel free to discuss your child’s progress or needs, or any concerns or questions you may have, with the Bala Vihar teacher(s) or Coordinator. We encourage and value parental involvement and input.
Each classroom will have parent volunteers to help organize field trips, socials, and other special activities. Please contact the classroom teacher if you would like to volunteer.
The dress code for Bala Vihar is provided on the preceding page. Parents are encouraged to follow the dress code and set an example for children. In winter, children are urged to wear sweaters and socks to class.
Chinmaya Mission will use e-mail to convey information about schedule changes, other programs, or snow dates. Please inform us if your e-mail address changes.
We expect all children to follow these rules of conduct!
The Bala Vihar classes start promptly at the scheduled time. Children are requested to be punctual; they should be seated and ready for Hanuman Chalisa followed by Arati at least ten minutes before the start time.
The Bala Vihar classes start promptly at the scheduled time. Children are requested to be punctual; they should be seated and ready for Hanuman Chalisa followed by Arati at least ten minutes before the start time.
Respect for self is respect for others. Children should be attentive and respectful in class, and raise their hands and wait their turn before speaking.
Children should come to class prepared, and with their Bala Vihar notebook, textbooks, pencil and box of crayons or colored pens (for younger children).
Children are expected to exhibit good manners and maintain discipline at all times. Running in the building, or disturbing any of the books or materials in the classroom is not permitted.
Chewing gum, drinks, or food should not be consumed in in the classrooms.
Dress code for Bala Vihar Children:
Boys – Kurta Pajama or full pants with kurta. No hats, jeans, or shorts.
Girls – Salwar Kameez or long skirt with blouse. Wear a bindi.
Children or Youth who are attending some other activity after Bala Vihar may bring a change of clothes with them.
Use of smart devices (mobile phones, tablets etc.) is not permitted during any classes. If the child(ren) are found using any of those devices, the teacher will take the smart device from the child(ren) and parents will have to collect it from the teacher.