Our motto is to give maximum happiness to maximum people for maximum time!
Chinmaya Mission Washington Regional Center (CM®WRC) was established in the late 1980’s to serve communities in the Washington DC Metropolitan area, Maryland, and Virginia. It is an affiliated center under Chinmaya Mission West (CMW) and Central Chinmaya Mission Trust (CCMT‐India).
CM®WRC is registered as a non‐profit organization and is overseen by a Board of Trustees. The day‐to‐day operations are run by dedicated volunteers and managed by an Executive Committee.
We provide to individuals from any background the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness. Vedanta, the essential core of Hinduism, is the universal science of life, relevant to all people of all backgrounds and faiths. Vedanta inspires seekers to understand their own faith better. Thus, although CMWRC is a Hindu organization, it does not seek to convert other religious practitioners.

Our Spiritual Guides
Our Vedanta teachers serve the world dedicatedly and tirelessly, always keeping in line with Swami Chinmayananda’s Vision and Mission.
Chinmaya Family and friends gather to observe, honor or celebrate auspicious Days in the Hindu calendar, festivals and other special days observed by the nation and the local community throughout the year. There are also many mission related events such as Jnana Yajnas, spiritual workshops, retreats that dot the CMWRC calendar.
Interfaith Outreach
Understanding and educating about how that which exists (divinity) is described and worshipped in Hindu religion, engaging with groups willing to discuss their religion or point of view openly, and promoting community relationships, leading to respect for all is the goal of our outreach and interfaith efforts.