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Vilasini Balakrishnan spent her teen years questing for the meaning of life, and she found her answer in India during her Junior semester abroad as a comparative philosophy student. The greatest fortune of her life was meeting Swami Chinmayananda and beginning her Vedanta sadhana in 1975. She graduated from Tufts with a B.S in philosophy, and in 1978, she graduated from the Mission’s two-year Vedanta course at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya in Mumbai.
Vilasini and her parents organized Swami Chinmayananda’s first Jnana Yajna in Washington D.C. in 1978. For the next three years, Vilasini served Chinmaya Mission in Boston, Flint, Chicago, and Bay Area, where she taught Vedanta, Bala Vihar, and organized Study Groups. During Swami Chinmayananda’s summer tours in the US, Vilasini traveled with Swami Chinmayananda as his secretary. From 1981 to 1984, Vilasini had the great blessing to serve as Swami Chinmayananda’s secretary in India, attending all of his yajnas, videotaping his talks, and performing secretarial duties.