Telugu Paathashaala

Classes are currently offered online on Saturdays. Children must be at least in Grade 1 to enroll in language classes.
Telugu Paathashaala is now available for individuals who are not Chinmaya Mission members or students and who are interested in learning Telugu. To register and acquire more information , please send an email to our language coordinator Anil Kishore at
Please note the offering of thes classes may be adjusted subject to enrollment and availability of qualified volunteer teachers.
SubjectDayTimeFormatChapter offering this class
Telugu Paathashaala Saturday12:00 pm – 1:00 pmOnline Chinmayam & Chinmaya Somnath


  • Telugu Speaking
  • Alphabets
  • Achulu
  • Hallulu
  • Gunintamulu
  • Vattulu
  • Rendaksharmula perlu
  • Songs and verses for memorizing
    •  Maatelugu talliki

Additional poems and reading material are provided by the teachers to the students. Detailed class outline will be handed out in class during September and as the year progresses.

Class Rules/Guidelines

The classes are organized so those students on the same level of the learning curve (regardless of their grade in school) are in the same class. In Hindi and Telugu, we have standard textbooks or teaching material that we will be following. Please make sure you get this information from the teacher. Your help in having them read at home and quizzing them will help their vocabulary and grammar.

Please go through this information carefully and spend some time with your child in understanding these instructions.

Please make sure that your child

Please contact the Language Coordinator,Anil Kishore at

Gayathri Sastry, Sreenath Nampally.

*Important Note: Please follow the weekly announcements for in-person vs. online event updates.

2024-25 Bala Vihar Calendar


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